Ritika Jain
UW Honors Graduates
Ritika Jain

Applied Mathematics, Chemistry
Designation: College Honors
Honors Grads 2018/2019
Proudest Moment: Finishing the reorganization of the ASUW Board of Directors' responsibilities to promote cohesion in roles
Thesis: CXCR4 Overexpression for Increased Renal Progenitor Cell Homing in Response to Kidney Damage
ritjain314@gmail.comI've been working in Dr. Suzie Pun's lab as an undergraduate research assistant for about three and a half years now. In this role, I've worked mainly on projects related to improving therapies for chronic kidney disease through targeted drug delivery as well as regenerative medicine approaches. This fall, I'm planning on starting my first year as a doctoral student in biomedical engineering at Georgia Tech and Emory.
In addition to my academic work and research, I've also been involved in leadership around campus mainly through the Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity and the Associated Students of the University of Washington.