Robert Thadeus Sternberg
UW Honors Graduates
Robert Thadeus Sternberg

Environmental Science and Resource Management
Quantitative Science
Designation: Departmental Honors
Honors Grads 2018/2019
Proudest Moment: Becoming a Bonderman Fellow
Thesis: Diet Composition of Carnivores in the Western United States Over the Last Century
thadeus@uw.eduFrom a very young age, I have had a love for the outdoors and studying animals. Both of my parents have jobs in the environmental field, leading me to aspire to be like them when I came of age. They have been my biggest supporters and I cannot thank them enough for encouraging me while I pursue my dreams. I am currently an undergraduate student in my last year at the University of Washington. I am obtaining a B.S. in Environmental Science and Resource Management with a focus in Wildlife Conservation. I am also minoring in Quantitative Science. Before attending the UW, I transferred universities twice while balancing financial hardships with my scholarly career. I am extremely proud to be graduating alongside my peers, having finished my bachelor's in only four years. My time here at the University of Washington has provided me with many resources and truly set me up for the future. While at the UW, I have worked in both the Predator Ecology lab and the Disturbance Ecology lab in the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences. Both experiences have prepared me for a career in the realm of ecology and inspired me to continue my education in a graduate program. Before starting graduate school, I have accepted a wildlife technician position with the University of Illinois - Springfield where I will be reintroducing and monitoring state endangered Osprey. Following this summer, I have the privilege of travelling the world as part of the Bonderman Travel Fellowship. My long-term career aspirations are to work for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife or United States Fish and Wildlife Service managing wildlife populations, specifically focusing on predators.