Hey, UW freshmen who thinks across boundaries:

Interdisciplinary Honors WANTS YOU to apply for second-year admission!

January 19, 2018

Hey, UW freshmen who thinks across boundaries:

The Interdisciplinary Honors Program at UW promotes expansive, innovative thinking and conscious global citizenship. Most students apply while seeking admission to the University of Washington, but every year we are delighted to invite a cohort of engaged UW freshmen to join our vibrant community of lifelong learners.

Why should YOU research our program and find out if Honors is for you? Because: you might be missing the chance of a lifetime if you don’t!

Five things you’re missing without Honors

  1. Your chance to fulfill UW Areas of Knowledge requirements through unique, seminar-style interdisciplinary courses taught by leading-edge faculty from departments across campus.
  2. Experiential learning and reflective writing practices that can make a big difference in communities and will change the way you imagine yourself in the world.
  3. Close friendships and professional respect you’ll develop with other students, professors, staff, alumni and community partners who’ve got your back in the classroom and beyond.
  4. Opportunities to deepen and broaden your own education through study abroad, field studies, cultural outings, and special events.
  5. Yourself — living up to your full potential and taking intellectual risks in a safe, encouraging environment.

If you’re a qualified student who wants to connect ideas across subjects, then Honors is definitely missing YOU, too!

How do you know you’re qualified?

You are: a first-year UW student who is curious, motivated and open-minded.

You’ve earned: a 3.3 cumulative GPA (or above) from your first two quarters at UW.

You have not: already completed the UW Areas of Knowledge nor have you already earned 50 (or more) total UW credits.*

Maybe you belong in Honors

Applications are due (online) 3/20/18, 9:00 a.m. Before you apply, there are a few resources to help you imagine yourself in Honors.

Attend an info session — it’s the best way to learn more. All sessions are in MGH 211B (Honors Seminar Room):

  • Wednesday, 1/31/18, 12:30 – 1:30 pm
  • Tuesday, 2/13/18, 3:30 – 4:30 pm
  • Monday, 3/5/18, 4:00 – 5:00 pm

Can’t make it to an info session? Find more details about Second-Year admission to Honors online or contact uwhonors@uw.edu to make an appointment with one of our dedicated advisors.

Take the time today to find out if Honors is right for you! Your future self will thank you for it!


*Students with 50 or more UW credits or who’ve completed the Areas of Knowledge are no longer eligible for Interdisciplinary Honors because our core courses would be redundant to requirements you’ve already met. If this is you, consider Departmental Honors — a degree track in which Honors work commences AFTER you are accepted into your major. Talk to an advisor in your current or intended major(s) to explore that option!