Jon Herron wins teaching award in Honors

May 21, 2020

Jon Herron wins teaching award in Honors

At a time when there seems to be such a lot of bad news, the Honors Program is delighted to share this video of Jon Herron receiving Honors’ Excellence in Teaching Award (HETA).

This annual award recognizes UW professors who inspire and challenge Honors students to an extraordinary degree! Students make nominations each spring and the professor with the most nominations is recognized with the HETA. We received a record number of nominations for more than a dozen Honors faculty this year. Many students wrote glowing notes of endorsement for biology professor Jon Herron, who has been teaching interdisciplinary Honors courses for approximately 20 years!

Whether you’re already a fan of Dr. Herron or you could just use a spark of joy in your day, you will want to click below! Watch Jon bat away compliments for 15 whole minutes! Enjoy the many secret comments he makes about Honors students in this very public video chat.

Special thanks to all of the students who made nominations and to the many wonderful professors who are innovative teachers and thought provocateurs across disciplinary lines.