The Work Continues for Accountability and Justice
April 22, 2021
The Work Continues for Accountability and Justice

President Cauce’s blog here invites us to reflect on the verdict in Derek Chauvin’s trial and the need for continued action. Accountability, in this case, has happened in the sense that Derek Chauvin was held accountable for murdering George Floyd. However, there is more work to be done to achieve justice, while one person was held accountable, policing and our society are still deeply unjust. During and in the short time since the Chauvin trial, Ma’Khia Bryant, Daunte Wright, Adam Toledo, and many other people were killed by police. All of us in Honors are, and will remain, mindful of the continued prevalence and impact of white supremacy. We continue the diligent work required to dismantle its hold on our society and politics and on institutions such as the UW.
We know many of you are engaged in actions and activism to make this country accountable and more just for all people. We also understand that these events and ongoing tensions produce burnout and exhaustion for many and mixed emotions surrounding these events. We continue to think, now more than ever, about how to support each other, especially our Black colleagues and other colleagues of color. We welcome you into this space of reflection and into the ongoing work for change. We are committed to working with you to create space and compassion for those in our community who need extra care, flexibility and consideration. By caring for each other, we can continue to dive into important work together.
Here are some events and resources for our care and the work:
- No More Silence: Weekly on Thursdays 1:00 PM –1:50 PM
Description: This supportive drop-in group emphasizes on proving a safe space to address discrimination and violence against the AAPI community. This space is dedicated to supporting AAPI students to find connections, validation, and support during this difficult time and find solidarity among each other. Reach out to and UW Counseling Center or call: 206.543.1240 for more information.
Where: Zoom Who: UW students
- FIUTS Discussion Series on Race & Racism in the U.S., Tuesdays, April 13-May 11, 4:30-6:00 PM PT
Join us for a weekly virtual discussion series focused on race and racism in the United States. These discussions provide a welcoming space for international and U.S. students to deepen their understanding of the historical and contemporary role of race in the U.S and globally. This week’s topic: Race & Criminal Justice African American and Latino people in the U.S. are much more likely to be arrested and sent to prison in their lifetimes than white people. This discussion will delve into where those disparities come from and what a more equitable justice system could look like.
More information available online here.
- Healing from Witnessing Racism: Wed., April 21, 2021, 4 PM – 5 PM
Facilitated by Sashya Clark, Watching the trial of Derek Chauvin was triggering, watching Daunte Wright get shot was traumatizing. We experience and witness racism in so many ways. And they take a toll on us. This space is to process, listen and reflect on how bearing witness can weigh on us. This space is to be in community because not having to be alone with that weight is part of how we heal.
Zoom: – Open to all UW students.
- Community Space for Asian Healing, Thursday, April 22 5:00-6:30 pm PT | 7:00-8:30 pm CT | 8:00-9:30 pm ET
Registration link: Questions? Contact – open to everyone (students/faculty/staff)
- Restorative Justice Session: Monday, April 26, 2021, 2 PM – 3:30 PM
Facilitated by Charisse Williams, The session will be focused on helping support Black students by learning ways to practice restorative justice and self-care in the midst of challenging times. Participants will learn strategies to cope with racial and intergenerational trauma.
Zoom: – This session and space are intended for Black students.
We care about you. Please reach out to us at any time. Community is of utmost importance, especially now.
Your Honors Staff,
Vicky, Juliana, Aley, Brook, Kelly, Carey, Claire, Nadra, Ami, and Alaa