Daniel Chen named Marshall Scholar

December 12, 2022

Daniel Chen named Marshall Scholar

Kudos to Honors Husky Daniel Chen (’22, microbiology and informatics with departmental honors in bioengineering), recently named one of 40 U.S. recipients (from more than 950 applicants) of the 2023 Marshall Scholarship.

Portrait of Daniel Chen
Daniel Chen, 2022

The Marshall Scholarship was designed to support future leaders while helping scholars gain an understanding of contemporary Britain. As a dedicated researcher and scholar, Chen intends to work with Dr. Sarah Teichmann at the Sanger Institute and learn from her library of experience to apply new skills into his research of autoimmune and autoinflammatory diseases.

Voiced perfectly by Ed Taylor, vice provost and dean of Undergraduate Academic Affairs: “Daniel’s rigorous undergraduate scholarship on topical and complex medical issues is exemplary and highlights how UW undergraduates deepen and connect their academic interests to research for the public good. This recognition will provide a wonderful opportunity for Daniel, who is already dedicated to the medical sciences, to extend his scholarship.”

Congratulations, Daniel!

Click here to read the full announcement.