Learning by doing (it all) with Phillip Meng

April 17, 2023

Learning by doing (it all) with Phillip Meng

In a story titled, “Recipe for Exploration,” Phillip Meng, a triple major in global and regional studies, finance and information systems, is featured in the University of Washington College of Arts & Sciences April 2023 Perspectives.

photo of Phillip Meng

Meng, an Honors student who graduates in Summer 2023, has a resume that includes five internships, ongoing research with faculty, two board appointments, the founding of a student organization, editorship of the Jackson School Journal, and various roles as a business consultant.

“The more opportunities you pursue, the more perspective you have — and the better you will be at the next thing you take on,” says Meng regarding his time at the UW.

Click here to read the full story