Thank you for considering supervising an Honors student’s ad hoc Honors project during your course. If you are unfamiliar with ad hoc Honors, please review the ad hoc Honors web site. Please note that ad hoc Honors should not alter a student’s grade in your course; this additional work is recognized by the attachment of an Honors designation (an “H”) to the course on the transcript.
Our commitment to providing a diverse, flexible, and in depth education is not possible without your commitment to working with our students on these additional projects. We greatly appreciate your time and energy, and recognize the effort you will contribute to this project and to the student’s experience.
By agreeing to oversee an ad hoc Honors project, the instructor agrees to:
- Work with the student in creating an appropriate additional project (not part of the regular course work)
- Work directly with the student and make explicit arrangements concerning expectations and goals for the project
- Submit an initial online approval of the ad hoc Honors proposal by the quarterly deadline listed on the Honors Program website
- Provide a good learning and working environment for the student
- Communicate regularly with the student
- Evaluate the student’s project upon completion and submit final online approval/denial for the Honors notation.
The student is agreeing to:
- Take the initiative on the overall project, including initial contact, generating project ideas, and communicating with the instructor, especially regarding any changes or difficulties
- Manage the application and approval process with the departmental/major adviser and/or the Honors Program
- Complete the agreed-on project during the quarter in which the student is enrolled in the course
- Respect the learning objectives and expectations of the course and the Honors Program
Contacting Honors
Please don’t hesitate to contact the Honors Program if you have any questions or concerns, and thank you again for your commitment to student success!
University of Washington Honors Program
211 Mary Gates Hall
Box 352800
Seattle, WA 98195-2800