Honors Community Housing
Honors Living Learning Community (LLC)
Living on campus with other Honors students is an exciting way to expand your experience in the Honors community beyond the classroom. The Honors Living Learning Community (LLC) is located on several floors of Terry Hall. Resident Advisers of these floors work with students to facilitate activities which may include but are not limited to:
- In-house advising with Honors staff
- Weekly floor tradition events including – study nights, movie nights, game nights, etc.
- Talent shows and Open Mic Nights
- Off campus excursions to museums, plays, sporting events
- Dinners and or in-house lectures with Honors faculty and staff
If you would like to live in the Honors LLC, select Honors Living Learning Community in the Living Learning Community Preference portion of the housing application. Placement in the Honors Living Learning Community is not guaranteed. Please submit your Housing application during the Newly admitted freshmen application period (see HFS website for exact dates) to increase your chances of being assigned to Honors. LLC Housing assignments are based on your assignment priority. A request for placement in Honors LLC will supersede your other residence hall preferences.
We hope many of you will choose to participate in this housing option but it is not required. Contact us with any questions not addressed below.
For more details about applying for housing, check out Housing and Food Services’ Guides and Handbooks. For additional information about the residence halls and campus living in general, visit the UW Housing and Food Services website at hfs.uw.edu.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Why should I choose to live in the Honors Living Learning Community?
A: The primary benefit of the Honors floors in Terry Hall is their dynamic social and intellectual community. Honors students are a diverse and interesting group and living with peers engaged in rigorous academic pursuits across all disciplines enhances connection to the Honors Program outside of the classroom. Members of the Honors LLC have opportunities to enrich their living experience through additional special events such as workshops, faculty speakers, Honors LLC social events, and traditions.
Q: Can I pick my own roommate?
A: Yes! You and another student can request to be roommates, and HFS will do their best to assign you together. Maximize your chances by selecting all of the same preferences as one another and by submitting your applications around the same time and as early as possible.
Q: Can I room with a student who is not in the Honors Program?
A: Yes! If you want to room with a student who is not in the Honors Program, both of you will need to request each other on your respective housing applications, in addition to selecting the Honors LLC in the Living Learning Community Preferences portion. Like any roommate request, these are not guaranteed, but you can maximize your chances by selecting all of the same preferences as one another and by submitting your applications around the same time and as early as possible.
Q: I filled out the application with Housing and Food Services (HFS) but still haven’t received my assignment – what should I do?
A: Housing applications are administered and processed by HFS, and you will be contacted during the summer regarding your assignment.
Q: Is the Honors community for freshmen only?
A: No, Honors Program students of all classes are welcome. However, most students living in the community are first and second-year students.
Q: Do I get a price discount if I choose to live in the Honors Living Learning Community?
A: No, we do not offer discounts on housing. The primary benefits of the Honors floors are their unique community and atmosphere. All other aspects of the Honors LLC operate in accordance with HFS policies and practices.
Q: What types of student activities can I expect in the Honors Living Learning Community?
A: Activities will vary greatly depending on the interests of the Resident Advisers (RAs) and residents on the floors. The Honors LLC RAs are the primary source of event planning and community building, in collaboration with Honors Program faculty, staff, and student organizations, to provide unique opportunities such as faculty dinners, academic/professional workshops, speakers, trips and other social events. Residents are encouraged to work with their RAs and suggest or plan activities that fit their interests and hobbies.
Q: I’m interested in becoming a Resident Adviser – possibly for the Honors LLC – what should I do?
A: In order to be a Resident Adviser for the Honors LLC, you must first successfully complete the RA application process administered by HFS. Applications are generally available in early November and due in early January. Candidates who are interested in an LLC must then complete a Living Learning Community RA application, which is not accessible until a candidate has made it to the RA Class part of the selection process. The Honors Program and HFS will work together to select the individuals that we think will fit best with our idea of floor and Program community.
Q: I still need more information – where should I go now?
A: You are always welcome to contact us with any questions or concerns. You can reach us by e-mail at uwhonors@uw.edu, by phone at (206) 543-7444. HFS is also a great resource, particularly for questions relating to details about the residence halls, the application process or website, pricing information, etc. Check out their website at hfs.uw.edu, e-mail them at hfsinfo@uw.edu, or call them at (206) 543-4059.