Honors Course Archive
Course Archive for Summer 2013
Except where noted*, current Interdisciplinary Honors students may self-register using the SLN/MyPlan. If you have any questions regarding what category a course will fulfill, please check your degree audit on MyPlan and/or contact us here.
* Add codes are placed on all courses one week after the first day of the quarter. If you need an add code, please email the course instructor for permission, and once approved, forward the confirmation from your instructor to uwhonors@uw.edu. We will be in touch with registration details as soon as possible.
- Honors Arts & Humanities (0)
- Honors Science (0)
- Honors Social Sciences (0)
- Honors Interdisciplinary (0)
- HONORS 100/496 (0)
- Honors Electives (3)
- Special Topics (0)
Honors Arts & Humanities (0)
(No Course records found)
Honors Science (0)
(No Course records found)
Honors Social Sciences (0)
(No Course records found)
Honors Interdisciplinary (0)
(No Course records found)
HONORS 100/496 (0)
(No Course records found)
Honors Electives (3)
Other Honors courses (without HONORS-prefix)
Honors 210 A: Race, Gender, and Sexualities in Theological Perspective: An introduction to contemporary theological perspectives on social justice around experiences of racial, gender, and sexual inequalities in the North American context. (A&H)
Honors 210 A: Race, Gender, and Sexualities in Theological Perspective: An introduction to contemporary theological perspectives on social justice around experiences of racial, gender, and sexual inequalities in the North American context. (A&H)
SLN 11768 (View UW registration info »)
Email: marikim@me.com
Credits: 5
Limit: 20 students
Each week students engage assigned texts in preparation for discussion-intensive classes that allow students to develop the necessary theological vocabulary of concepts to intended deepen and clarify their analyses of the perspectives being explored. 

There is an ethnographic research component to the course. Students will interview a member/s of a community whose views do not mirror their own in order to demonstrate thoughtful understanding of a system of values around race, gender or sexuality not identical with their own, and to do so in a manner consonant with the theological ethics/values established within class at the start of the course. 

Graded work:
1) 5-7 minute video interview (or 15 minute video clip, if students decide to form a group to work with other class mates) representing the perspective of the community the student has chosen to engage,
2) 5-page double-spaced written reflection describing and engaging the theological worldview of the subject/s interviewed.
5-minute video of student reflecting on the interview experience and the overall course learning. To be included as an artifact in student’s Honors Portfolio
Honors 230 A: In Your Name: Education Inside Prison (SSc)
Honors 230 A: In Your Name: Education Inside Prison (SSc)
SLN 11769 (View UW registration info »)
Credits: 5
Limit: 15 students
Students must receive clearance from the Dept. of Corrections in order to enter the prison facility; class size will be limited to 15 students. More details will be available at the information session scheduled for Friday, May 24, at 3:30 in MGH 206. Please contact the instructor, Claudia Jensen (cjensen@uw.edu), for more information or if you can’t attend the information session.
Honors 230 C: Steven Jobs, Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Technology (SSc)
Honors 230 C: Steven Jobs, Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Technology (SSc)
SLN 11771 (View UW registration info »)
Office: 400 Thomson Hall, Box 353650
Phone: (206) 543-4370
Email: taso@uw.edu
Credits: 5
Limit: 30 students
Special Topics (0)
(No Course records found)