Honors Course Archive
Course Archive for Summer 2019
Except where noted*, current Interdisciplinary Honors students may self-register using the SLN/MyPlan. If you have any questions regarding what category a course will fulfill, please check your degree audit on MyPlan and/or contact us here.
* Add codes are placed on all courses one week after the first day of the quarter. If you need an add code, please email the course instructor for permission, and once approved, forward the confirmation from your instructor to uwhonors@uw.edu. We will be in touch with registration details as soon as possible.
- Honors Arts & Humanities (0)
- Honors Science (1)
- Honors Social Sciences (2)
- Honors Interdisciplinary (2)
- HONORS 100/496 (0)
- Honors Electives (0)
- Special Topics (0)
Honors Arts & Humanities (0)
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Honors Science (1)
HONORS-prefix courses
HONORS 220 A: Landscape Change in the Pacific Northwest (NSc)
HONORS 220 A: Landscape Change in the Pacific Northwest (NSc)
SLN 14405 (View UW registration info »)
Credits: 5
Limit: 5 students
Field Wilderness backpacking trip to Olympic National Park July 6 – July 14, 2018
Course fee: In addition to regular UW tuition, students will pay a $215 course fee, which includes food on trip.
Students who are interested in this course should contact Professor Billo via email to find a time to meet and discuss their interest in the subject material and physical challenges of the course as well as confirm their availability for the dates of the backpacking trip. This course is entry code restricted, and entry codes will be given by Professor Billo.
This course is jointly offered with ENVIR 495C for a total of 10 students.
Course format is a 9-day wilderness backpacking trip in Olympic National Park. Activities on the trip include: 1) student-led discussion of student-chosen readings and themes of the course, 2) contemplation and journal writing on the value and management of “wilderness”, and 3) direct observation of the effects of climate change and fragmentation on species and ecosystems. Prior to the trip, there will be online reading and discussion assignments. After the trip, an essay on a topic of each students’ choosing and general written reflection in the form of a blog post, will be required. Readings will draw from some classic American nature writers, as well as other sources including psychology, ecology, history, philosophy, local writers, and perspectives on “wilderness” and outdoor recreation from native Americans and other marginalized groups.
Course fee (in addition to regular UW tuition) is $215. UW will supply group camping gear and transportation. Students should supply sleeping bag, ground pad, backpack, and clothing-UW has some equipment to loan if needed. Course is limited to 10 students. No prior camping/backpacking experience is required or expected, but students should expect the trip to be physically challenging and should prepare for that challenge accordingly. The 9 day trip runs from a Saturday through to a Sunday, such that students working a summer job should only need to miss one 5-day work week.
More information on the course can be found here: https://timbillo.wordpress.com/2015/08/15/envir-495c-landscape-change-in-the-pacific-northwest-year-3/ or contact Tim Billo: timbillo@uw.edu
Honors Social Sciences (2)
HONORS-prefix courses
HONORS 230 A: Bones and Blood of the City: How Seattle Works Behind the Scenes (SSc)
HONORS 230 A: Bones and Blood of the City: How Seattle Works Behind the Scenes (SSc)
SLN 11794 (View UW registration info »)
Email: richardbyrdconlin@gmail.com
Credits: 5
Limit: 14 students
Participants will travel to key locations, meet with the people who run these systems and facilities, and tour the core services. As background, students will learn about the history of urban development and how the ways in which we design and manage cities evolved over time, along with some of the motivations and unintended consequences that we still live with and have to manage for the future.
HONORS 230 B: In Your Name: Education Inside Prison (SSc)
HONORS 230 B: In Your Name: Education Inside Prison (SSc)
SLN 11795 (View UW registration info »)
Credits: 5
Limit: 12 students
Contact instructor at cjensen@uw.edu for add codes
Students will be required to submit information for clearance in order to enter the prison facility and they will be required to sign the UW’s Acknowledgement of Risk form; all students must be over 18. There are no exceptions to these requirements; some accommodations may not be possible. Class size will be limited to 12 students; transportation to and from the prison will be provided. Please contact the instructor, Claudia Jensen (cjensen@uw.edu), for more information.
Honors Interdisciplinary (2)
HONORS-prefix courses
HONORS 391 A: Ecopoetics Along Shorelines (A&H / SSc / NSc)
HONORS 391 A: Ecopoetics Along Shorelines (A&H / SSc / NSc)
SLN 11796 (View UW registration info »)
Phone: 206-685-5675
Email: cleowe@uw.edu
Email: danpaz@uw.edu
Credits: 5
Limit: 8 students
In addition to tuition, course fee of $225 is required
Course includes a mandatory trip from July 29 – August 2
This course is jointly offered with SMEA 550C and ENVIR 495F for a total of 18 students
We begin with a 5-day intensive field writing trip to the Olympic Peninsula. In the field portion, we visit tribal projects, reflect on ecocultural politics of fishing, shellfishing, health, restoration, and resource management. We spend hours each day observing, writing, and sketching outside. We practice close observation of tidal rhythms, and explore shoreline biotic communities and how the Elwha River has changed since dam removal in 2014. Each evening we gather for discussion and share writing.
Back in Seattle, we explore shadow histories of Puget Sound waterways and contemplate post-sea-level-rise futures. We examine historic maps, oral histories, engineering drawings, and on-the-ground legacies of drainage projects. We trace buried creeks, gutters, and storm drains of Seattle, examine Salish inhabitation through place names, and address human health impacts of urban runoff.
HONORS 394 A: Foods and Cultures of Hispanic and Latino Communities (A&H / SSc)
HONORS 394 A: Foods and Cultures of Hispanic and Latino Communities (A&H / SSc)
SLN 11797 (View UW registration info »)
Credits: 5
Limit: 5 students
After taking this course, students will be able to:
• Identify the major dietary components in the different areas of the Hispanic World
• Recognize main food ingredients and their cultural significance
• Describe the major cultural trends and historical developments associated with food production and intake
• Distinguish food production and cooking methods associated with the Hispanic World
• Recognize and use Spanish vocabulary associated with food
• Think critically and reflect on ethnic communities, international contacts and cultural movements
• Enrich their exploration of the Hispanic World through an engagement with Hispanic culture
• Identify urban and rural areas with significant Hispanic impact in Washington State and establish successful contact with Hispanic communities
HONORS 100/496 (0)
(No Course records found)
Honors Electives (0)
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Special Topics (0)
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