It’s Your Honors Huskies Graduation

Saturday, June 14, 2025

9:15 – 11:30 a.m., HUB Lyceum

Here’s all the info you need about our ANNUAL GRADUATION EVENT for Huskies who have earned (or will soon earn) their bachelor’s degrees with Interdisciplinary or College Honors. We’re excited to congratulate our vibrant community of scholars together with invited friends and family.

Event flow (times are approximate)

9:15 a.m. check in and enjoy coffee & pastries while finding seats in the Lyceum

10:00 a.m. Speaking program

10:45 a.m. Graduate processional & final remarks

11:15 a.m. On-stage photo booth and hugs goodbye

Students are responsible for your own regalia, including your cords. Please bring your Honors cord with you to our ceremony! When you check in for the event we’ll explain how to hold your cord during the procession so that it may be officially conferred by Dean Taylor. 

If you are graduating with Interdisciplinary or College Honors and did not receive an invitation or you have questions not answered on this page, please write to with the subject “graduation” and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Please note that grads should register on behalf of your guests!

Frequently Asked Questions

Who are we honoring?

Students who have (or will have) earned their degree with Interdisciplinary or College Honors in any UW majors between Summer 2024 and Summer 2025

How do I order my Honors cord and what color should I get?

Honors cords are part of the regalia you may buy along with your cap & gown. For info on ordering cords, cap & gown, registration for other UW graduation ceremonies, etc. visit UW Commencement website or email

For those graduating with either Interdisciplinary Honors or Departmental Honors only, your cord will be purple. If you have earned College Honors (both tracks) you may wear a purple and gold braided cord. 

What if I forget (or don’t want to buy) a cord?

We bring a limited supply of Honors cords that may be borrowed on a first-come basis. We recommend that each graduate come with their own personal cord (which you’ve earned)! Ask a member of the event staff if there is a cord to borrow and consider donating your cord to Honors’ loaner collection in the future if you’d like to make this service available to future grads. 

What if I want more than 2 guests?

Due to space constraints, each graduate may register for themself and two guests no later than May 12. You may request additional seats in the RSVP form and we will follow up on the week of May 13 to confirm the total # in your party. 

Please do not bring extra guests if they are not confirmed in our headcount. We are unable to admit guests above our venue capacity. 

What time should we arrive?

Coffee service begins at 9:00 a.m. and doors open at 9:15. All guests should be seated in the Lyceum by 9:55. If you must arrive late or leave early to attend another graduation event, please state that in your RSVP, along with other accommodation requests.

Where should I sit?

The first three rows are reserved for graduating students and event speakers. Please help your guests find seats further back and then take your place. We are not arranging graduates in any particular order. You’ll bring your Honors Cord and Grad Reader Card with you to the stage.

How much are tickets?

This event is generously supported by gifts to the Friends of Honors fund. You must register (see above) but your tickets are sponsored by these generous donors. Please consider making a gift to support the cost of next year’s graduation event.

What is the dress code?

There is no official dress code but most guests who are expecting to walk across the stage choose to wear semi-formal clothing (something like a garden party) and you are welcome to don your cap & gown.

Where is the best parking?

We encourage people to carpool, use public transit, and/or allow extra time for traffic issues or to find alternate parking. As UW’s commencement will occur later on the day of our event, please follow general advice for on or near campus parking. 

How do I request accommodations?

To request disability accommodation, contact the Disability Services Office at 206-543-6450 (voice), 206-543-6452 (TTY), 206-685-7264 (fax), or The University of Washington makes every effort to honor disability accommodation requests. Requests can be responded to most effectively if received as far in advance of the event as possible, preferably at least 10 days.

Should Departmental Honors students attend?

Departmental Honors students are welcome to attend this event! If you have been active in Honors beyond your major department and want to celebrate with the interdisciplinary community of faculty, staff, alumni, and fellow students who have helped you reach this day, please RSVP before May 17 and note that you’re not IHP so that we are sure to include your name in the graduation program.

Most students who haven’t participated in Interdisciplinary Honors requirements prefer to celebrate the distinction within their chosen majors rather than attend the IHP ceremony. If you’re not sure what’s best for you, contact your Honors advisers or email to consider your options.

Can I attend Honors Graduation if I haven’t completed all requirements?

Your invitation to this event does not guarantee that you have met all requirements to graduate with Honors. Please follow the instructions sent by Honors’ Academic Services to make sure you’re on track. If you are unable to/not planning to complete all requirements but want to participate in our ceremony, just email and we may be able to make special accommodations.