Courses for New Honors Students
Honors First-year-Only Courses for Autumn 2024
UW College Edge Discovery Seminars
We are excited to point you toward the UW College Edge Discovery Seminars! College Edge is a College of Arts and Sciences program that provides incoming Huskies with the opportunity to make friends and take a unique experiential course with a UW faculty member in an intimate setting all before college life begins in Autumn Quarter!
You are of course welcome and encouraged to register for any College Edge Discover Seminar that piques your interest, but we wanted to draw your attention to the following courses as you’re browsing offerings. The faculty leading the courses listed below have agreed to work with you on an additional independent Honors project that will allow you to apply this course toward your UW Honors Program requirements.
- ARTSCI 160 N: Music, Birdsong, and Limits of the Human, with Professor Mark Rodgers
- ARTSCI 160 K: Diversity is Coming. Medieval Societies beyond Game of Thrones with Professor Annegret Oehme
- ARTSCI 161 B: Civil Rights and Law: Exploring Equity for Race, Gender, and Sexuality with Professor Theodore Myhre
- ART SCI 162 C: Secret Codes and Online Security with Neal Koblitz
If you decide to register for one of these College Edge Discover Seminars, please reach out to the faculty member directly, and they will give you more information about the Honors project. UW Honors Advisers will work with you when the course and project is completed to be sure it gets applied toward your Honors requirements.
HONORS 100: Introduction to Honors, 1 credit
This course is required for all incoming Interdisciplinary Honors students.
Honors 100 brings first-year Honors students together for a common experience to introduce our model of interdisciplinary education and provide students with a thorough understanding of the Honors core curriculum and graduation requirements. In addition, students will be exposed to the wealth of opportunities at the UW to apply their knowledge beyond the classroom into areas such as research, leadership, community, and global engagement. Most importantly, this introductory course helps to build and support relationships within the student cohort and other members of the Honors community.
This is a one-credit course offered on Mondays or Tuesdays from 3:30-4:50 p.m. during Autumn quarter. You will register for this course through the Honors Program at your summer Advising & Orientation session. This course is 1 credit, and so can be added on top of a regular course load. You are encouraged to take a 5-credit Honors Core Course alongside HONORS 100.
ENGL 182: Honors Multimodal Composition (C), 5 credits
The study and practice of strategies/skills for effective writing/argument in various situations, disciplines, genres; explicit focus on how multimodal elements of writing–words, images, sound, design, etc.– work together to produce meaning. The specific Honors section of ENGL 182 and its corresponding course number will be assigned during spring, and will be included on the Autumn 2024 Honors courses page then.
LAW 100: Introduction to American Law (SSc), 5 credits
Examines the structure of the American legal system and how laws are made. Surveys key doctrinal areas of the law learning fundamental legal concepts, and explore how the law functions and evolves over time, including legal issues and decision-making related to statutory or common law.
Other Honors Courses
In addition to the first-year-only courses listed above, Honors has reserved 5-10 seats in the majority of our Autumn 2024 courses for incoming students. First-year Honors students will be able to search for these open seats during their Advising & Orientation session.