Welcome to UW Honors Advising
As your advisers, we are available to help you meet your educational goals, connect you to the many opportunities available at this research institution, navigate university requirements, and be a supportive soundboard while you think out loud about your major.
Along with the rest of the Honors staff and the wider Honors community, we work to enhance the Honors experience so students meet one another and enjoy the benefits of being in the Honors Program. We also work to set up special programs throughout the year designed to enhance your academic and Honors community experience. Honors students have the strongest voice in the creation and implementation of all of these events, and we encourage you to share your ideas and join the Honors student activities.
If you have questions during your decision process, we recommend you:
- Review key information on the UW Honors website (including the our admissions FAQ and Honors First-year Admissions pages)
- Join an Honors Admitted Student Information Session
- Attend an Ask the Advisers: Honors Admitted Student Q&A
- Reach out to students on our Honors Student Community Page
If you are unable to attend an Admitted Student Information Session or have questions specific to your personal or academic circumstances, please join us at our Ask the Advisers sessions during which two academic advisers will be available to help with your questions or concerns.
We look forward to meeting you at your Summer Advising and Orientation session!