Juliana Villegas…reflections and invitations
November 18, 2023
Juliana Villegas…reflections and invitations
II. A Poetic Legacy
Juliana Villegas has, without a doubt, been one of the most impactful people in our Honors Husky community. A creative force behind the scenes in so much of our shared experiences, Dr. Villegas has almost certainly contributed to your life, whether you’re aware of it or not.

Earlier this year, Juliana announced plans to double down on her creative ventures, trusting her extended community to carry on the amazing work she’s been steering over the past two decades in Honors. Deeply generative, authentic, and collaborative, Juliana’s influence cannot easily be summarized as a list of accomplishments. She has applied rigorous analytic, artistic and humanistic energy towards every aspect of the “Honors Experience” as well as many faculty innovations across our entire University.
A short, very incomplete list of meaningful contributions for which we might all be thankful:
- Dr. Villegas led the planning efforts toward a curriculum revision to create a new Interdisciplinary Honors pathway to integrate experiential learning and active reflection as key components for all students. This change created a third option and added rich dimension to the Program in a sustainable manner — Interdisciplinary Honors turns 15 next year!
- The formation and continual evolution of Honors’ capstone reflective process, most apparent in the Honors 496 Portfolio Seminars and connected celebrations.
- Partnership with the Calderwood Foundation on a pilot program which has led to permanent public writing seminars embedded in course offerings beyond the Honors community.
- A deep and wide collection of unique international programs and partnerships serving students from all majors and centering scholars and teachers from across the world at the University of Washington.
- Thousands of hours of deep, personal conversations advising students towards academic success and personal growth.
- Spearheading efforts to understand and promote equity in Honors’ recruiting, student experiences, and faculty cultivation and support, as well as University-level care for first-generation students.
- Establishing and steering of dozens of continuing Honors Scholarships, including the formation of endowed awards, most recently: Honors Equity Scholarships and Roger & Jane Soder Equity Scholarships.
- Weaving cultural experiences and arts appreciation into student opportunities through outings and curricular offerings.
- Serving as the Acting Director of the Honors Program during every leadership transition in her tenure. Most of us don’t think about “keeping the lights on.” But this matters so much to students and to all partners of the Program and reflects her attention to relationships and the mundane details of maintenance work.
There is more. So much more. Why don’t you share some of your favorites?
II. Share your reflections
Let Juliana know how she has influenced, encouraged or supported you over the years by sharing your reflections and/or best wishes HERE. Dr. Villegas will keep her UW email address, so continue to stay in touch as much as you like.
III. In her own words
Juliana is a beautiful writer. Please take a moment to read her outgoing message to the Honors community, especially to students and alumni of the Program.
Over the past 22 years, I have had the privilege of being in a community with the most wonderful, thoughtful, and kind students. You are the reason why coming to work each day has been truly meaningful, joyful, uplifting, and often profound. I feel such gratitude to have walked alongside you as you have made your way through the UW and am impressed by how you face the complexities of our world courageously, asking the deeper questions, both of yourself and of others.

When I began my position with the Honors Program, I had a toddler and a six-month-old. Now my girls are college graduates and preparing for graduate studies! My daughters grew up at the UW and, in a sense, I did as well. As a triple Husky, I have experienced the UW from many perspectives and witnessed many changes. That I have stayed on for so many years is a testament to the people, especially the students, who are the purpose of the work.
Although most of my “retirement” will be spent pursuing professional and creative ventures outside of the UW, I will continue my connection to the UW through directing study abroad programs, teaching, equity and diversity initiatives, and, of course, keeping an ongoing relationship with the Honors community.
I am excited to pursue new ventures and look forward to more learning and personal growth along the way. No matter what our age, we are all on that journey of learning, stretching ourselves, finding acceptance and love for ourselves and others, and being in community.
Sending love and hope for all of you as you open your minds and follow your hearts,
– Juliana Villegas (villegas@uw.edu)
IV. Walking the Talk
Transitions are exciting, painful, revealing…there is so much potential in the act of letting go and reaching for what is next. The Honors Program owes a debt of gratitude to Juliana Villegas for incorporating the value of taking the leap into our community, and for this last encouragement to practice hopefulness and to believe in ourselves. If you agree, please collaborate on our creative, multi-media celebration by posting a note of thanks, recording a short video, sharing a poem or photo or any other form of expression. No need to be literal. Your intention will be received with love.